Ladies, if you’re over 35, or close to it, it’s time to give your metabolism a little extra love!

Think of it as your body’s engine—keep it tuned up, and you’ll be cruising through life with energy to spare. Ready to rev things up? Let’s dive into the fun and fabulous world of metabolic health!

The Metabolism Slowdown: What’s the Deal?
The struggle is real, right?! I have been there too! As we hit our mid-30s, our bodies start to play a few tricks on us. Hormones can start changing which can slow down our metabolism. This might mean that the jeans that once fit like a glove now feel a bit snug, even though you are doing the same things.

But don’t worry! Understanding what’s happening behind the scenes can help you stay in the driver’s seat.

Which hormones are the culprit here? Your have several, your estrogen and progesterone, your cortisol (stress hormones), your blood sugar/insulin hormones (fat storing hormones), and your thyroid hormones.

This is A LOT of hormone activity, and each one influences the others! In my functional medicine and health coaching practice with women, these hormones are what we look at to see where your sluggish weight loss, low energy, insomnia, low mood, anxiety, and peri-menopause and menopause symptoms are coming from.

Turbocharge Your Metabolism with These Tips
1. Strength training:
Think of strength training as your secret weapon. Building muscle isn’t just for bodybuilders—it’s for anyone who wants to keep their metabolism revving. Plus, more muscle means more calories burned, even when you’re binge-watching your favorite show! You can do this with free weights at home, or machines at a gym.

But ladies, this step is super IMPORTANT to add in, or keep up with, as you age!

2. Eat Smart, Not Less: Low calorie dieting has been a trend for a long time. If you are a woman of a “certain age”, like me, then you probably have engaged in these low calorie, low fat diets in the past. Maybe you, like me when I was younger, did a lot of “yo-yo” dieting. But NOW, we know this to not be healthy, and can actually slow down your metabolism.

This “yo-yo” dieting can be a big cause of your metabolism getting “stuck” and “sluggish”.

Who says healthy eating has to be boring? Load up on colorful veggies, proteins, and healthy fats. These superfoods keep your blood sugar steady and your energy high.

Ditch the refined carbs and grains, packaged and processed foods, and sugar and high fructose corn syrups. These foods are the empty calorie foods, that can raise your insulin and cause your cells to store fat, not release it!

3. Check In, Not Out: Regular health check-ups are like pit stops for your body. Keep an eye on your blood sugar, cholesterol, and other vital signs to catch any potential hiccups before they become full-blown roadblocks.

This is what I do, with hormone testing being the staple of my services, to help you STOP GUESSING. I talk with so many women who get little to no metabolic blood work from their doctors, or at best it’s very basic.

Use LAB TESTING to your advantage! With the right testing you can learn all about your blood sugar, your insulin, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, plus ALL the important metabolic markers (like inflammation) you need to know! This gives you valuable information on the state of your health, whether you are 35 or 65.

Yes, this information can give you the ROADMAP to optimal health, will show you how to AGE HEALTHY!

4. Stress Less!
Stress is like sugar in your gas tank—it messes with your flow! Try yoga, meditation, or even just a good laugh with friends to keep your hormones happy and your metabolism humming.

Be aware of your stress level. Tune in, because it’s easy to get busy and not realize that you may be on “automatic pilot” with stress and busy-ness.

The affect of stress on your hormones is REAL!

5. Get your ZZZZZ’s in: Beauty sleep isn’t just about glowing skin; it’s about a healthy metabolism too. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep, and you’ll wake up ready to conquer the day (and maybe even those early morning workouts).

Check in with yourself. What’s your sleep routine, do you go to bed at the same time? Or is it random? These little things add up so regular night and morning routines are important!

Why It’s Worth the Effort
Here’s the best part: focusing on your metabolic health isn’t just about maintaining your weight. It’s about feeling fabulous from the inside out. More energy, better moods, sharper thinking—it’s all within reach. Plus, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier future, with less risk of pesky chronic diseases.

Final Thoughts
Taking control of your metabolic health is like unlocking a superpower. It’s fun, it’s empowering, and it’s absolutely worth it. So, go ahead—embrace the journey, enjoy the ride, and let your inner powerhouse shine!

Are you curious about YOUR metabolic health? Are you struggling with feeling sluggish or stuck?

Here are some Free Resources for you:

Check out my Masterclasses here, hover over CLASSES and you can access them all:

Check out this free guide on “5 Steps for Women to Have More Energy”  Click HERE to download

If you want a deeper dive, just for you, then Let’s Chat,  talk with me one-on-one in a Free Healthy Hormone Call