hormone testing, functional medicine, health coaching

How Heart Over Hustle can Help your Hormones!



This is a joint Call with myself, Dr. Erin Foley and my Guest Expert, Stephanie Schoolmeester.

Stephanie is a passionate educator of 30 years, a trainer for coaches, and motivational speaker on a mission to help women reclaim their POWER, PURPOSE, and UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES. She is a soul alignment specialist and helps heart centered entrepreneurs bring MORE HEART and SOUL back into their life and business to create a positive impact and connection they are craving.


Sign Up Here for the “Finding Your Feminine Energy” Masterclass Recording!

This class is for you if you are a woman who is tired of the hustle culture, and who feels challenged by the changes in your body and hormones.

You may be stressed out or burned out, and  you KNOW that there is a way to do your life and business differently, one that nurtures and nourishes you.

Join us for this perspective and journey in to the mind-body connection, of how your mindset, your thoughts, and your nervous system all connect to how you feel in your body and show up in your life.

Learn some practical tips to CALM your nervous system, so you are not operating from stress and “fight or flight”, so you can tap into your Feminine Energy.

And, learn some practical tips on how having balanced hormones and a healthy mindset can be a powerful tool to help you show up to the BEST YOU at ANY AGE!

 Watch The “Finding Your Feminine Energy” Masterclass to Learn:

  • Why it’s important to ditch the hustle and burnout culture, and instead, subscribe to a heart and healing culture.
  • Understanding how hustle culture activates your “stress hormones”  which can affect your sleep, energy, mood, weight, mental focus, motivation and even self-esteem.
  • How your Feminine Energy is a powerful tool to help you feel good about yourself at any age and show up with confidence!
  • What you can do to break the cycle of stress, to help balance your hormones.
  • How to bring more flow into your life, body and business.

Register Here to Attend “Finding Your Feminine Energy” Masterclass

  • And, if you can’t make it live on zoom you will be opting in to receive the replay of the class.

You will also receive a free subscription to our email tips and updates.


More About Your Hosts

Dr. Erin Foley

Dr. Erin Foley is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, National Board Certified Health Coach, Chiropractor and founder and CEO of Vibrant Healthy Woman Programs.

She helps women balance their hormones naturally, helping with energy, sleep, weight, metabolism, mood, mental clarity, gut, digestion, hormones, hot flashes, PMS, and helping you create vibrant health.

She helps women with hormone testing, nutrition, supplement and coaching programs, and natural solutions for gut health and mental wellness. She works virtually and in person and helps women to make lifestyle changes that can bring lasting and positive change.

She is a an author and speaker, speaking regularly to women’s groups online and in person.

 Stephanie Schoolmeester

Stephanie is a passionate educator of 30 years, trainer for coaches, and motivational speaker that is on a mission to help women reclaim their POWER, PURPOSE, and UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES. She is a soul alignment specialist and helps heart-centered entrepreneurs bring MORE HEART and SOUL back into their life and business to create a positive IMPACT and CONNECTION  they are craving. She teaches them powerful energetic practices to tap into their deepest desires and passions to create a life and business around their soul. She guides women to lead from the heart and create soul led businesses. She shares the practices to attract her soul clients and how she has created a 6 figure business with these methods. 

Stephanie  loves speaking and sharing practices that have taken her from barely surviving to thriving and was awarded Extraordinary Speaker of the Year.

She  is a certified teacher, Somato Respiratory Integration Facilitator, motivational speaker, BARS Access Facilitator, and Reiki Practitioner. She is on a mission to help women RISE and FULLY be alive. Stephanie teaches powerful energetic practices that get women unstuck to finding their flow. Women learn to navigate their emotions and SHOW UP and BE SEEN in their authentic soul gifts.

Stephanie leads a High Vibe Sisterhood Tribe where she teaches life-changing transformational tools and women uplift and support each other to be the best versions of themselves, raise their vibration and help them become super attractors to what they truly desire in their lives.

Stephanie also is a social and emotional specialist and has trained other specialists and teachers in a large school district in Colorado. She was nominated and featured on the news for Denver’s 7 Everyday Heroes.