Er. Erin Foley

Vibrant Healthy Woman Programs

I’m Dr. Erin Foley, I’m a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Chiropractor and creator of Vibrant Healthy Woman Programs. I’m also a speaker, author and coach.

I help women from their 30’s to 70’s balance their hormones naturally, helping you with energy, sleep, weight, metabolism, mood and mental clarity, gut and digestion, hormones, hot flashes, PMS, and helping you create vibrant health. I work with women with hormone testing programs, online group coaching, one on one private health coaching programs, online courses, and natural product solutions for gut health and mental wellness.

I have had the privilege of being in private chiropractic practice for 34 years, including 20 years Board Certified in Acupuncture, and now I exclusively work with women with in my Functional Medicine and Health and Wellness Coaching practice, in person and virtual. 

“Hormones are not just about hot flashes and PMS!

You have other hormones:

  • Adrenals and cortisol are your stress handling hormones
  • Blood sugar and insulin hormones, which are your energy and “fat storing” hormones
  • Thyroid hormone is your metabolism hormone
  • Plus, these are all your energy hormones!

Hormones are chemical reactions in the body, and, if they are out of balance this can affect your

  • Energy, sleep, mood, weight, metabolism, ability to handle stress, and much more!

That’s why women work with me to naturally balance their hormones and health.

Your health is your wealth.
It’s how you show up in your life.

Are you tired, exhausted, not sleeping, gaining weight, feeling irritable or low mood, feeling hormonal, having hot flashes or PMS, too tired to have fun? This is no way to go through life!

It makes it hard, to be in your relationships, with family, and friends, when you just want to feel better, and that never comes…..

To do your job, your business, your finances.

I help women with my Vibrant Healthy Woman 1:1 programs where I test your hormones. 

Once we know exactly what your hormones are doing, then I can customize a program for you with nutrition, supplements, lifestyle, habits and mindset.

Or if you already have some testing, I use these current test, and can add on anything else that is missing. This way you get a customized program for you!

Just for YOU, and YOUR body.
No more “Doing it Yourself”, no more guessing.
This is powerful and important for you to know.


Are you ready to feel your best? Let’s Chat! click here for a Free Healthy Hormone Call

What My Clients and Patients Say:

Jenny, 44

It has been so empowering to work with Dr. Erin. I love that I can correct most of the imbalances I was feeling with food and some supplements. I am definitely finding “me” again! I have the energy to exercise, make healthy goals, and feel good! I am not perfect but I do have tools to get back on track when I do fall off. And I know Dr. Erin is just a call away if I have questions about next steps.

Jenny, 44

Andrea, 39

I have been seeing her for a few months and I’m eating to help support my digestive balance and overall wellness. I recommend this to every single woman out there to do this for themselves before the symptoms pile up and you feel fatigued and cannot lose the extra weight! This is what preventative medicine and maintenance looks like. Dr. Foley is amazing at what she does and I am so blessed to have met her!!

Andrea, 39

Chris, 49

I found these tests and the guidance I received after were life changing! I had been wondering why I was holding on to weight and not feeling my healthiest. Once I got blood work done and reviewed it I could see exactly why and now have tools and habits I am creating to help me feel better and release weight. My journey has just begun, but I am so excited to be armed with knowledge and a person to guide me on this journey to my healthiest self yet!!!

Chris, 49

Sarah, 37

I tried for months to convince my primary care physician and my gynecologist that my hormones were out of whack and causing my symptoms. Within one week of starting Dr. Foley’s program the symptoms were nearly resolved. I didn’t realize how bad I had been feeling until I felt so good!

Sarah, 37

Katie, 46

Thank you for getting me started on a path that I couldn’t do myself. I appreciate what you put into helping me learn, a whole body approach, and what I was waiting for. I have lost 9 pounds in a month, my energy is 50% better and I don’t have the afternoon energy slump anymore!

Katie, 46

I'm happy to chat with you, to help you feel your best, and I offer a complimentary Health and Hormone Discovery call