by drfoley | Mar 8, 2024 | Functional Medicine, Health Coaching, hormone testing
What is the GAP? And I don’t mean the store, the GAP, doing some shopping 🙂 But THE gap, where you are recognizing where you are and where you want to be are two different things. Do you have intentions and goals for your health, and you are still over HERE,...
by drfoley | Dec 29, 2021 | Functional Medicine, Gut Health, hormone testing, hormones, Natural women's healthcare, Weight loss
Easing into the New Year… In my functional medicine and health coaching practice I help women balance their hormones naturally. The main focus for women I work with are not the “female” hormone issues like pms and hot flashes (don’t get me wrong, they are...
by drfoley | Feb 12, 2015 | Functional Medicine, hormone testing, hormones, menopause, peri-menopause, stress, women's health
Has stress taken over your life? you know what I mean…. over busy, over committed, and overwhelmed can become your normal way of living, and your body and hormones can suffer for it! Chronic low grade stress is an epidemic for women these days, with the operative...