by drfoley | Sep 21, 2015 | hormones, Minimalism, Simplicity, stress, women's health
My mission is to help women improve their health and improve their lives. We all deserve to have the quality of life we choose. While I focus on physical health and women’s hormones in my practice and in my posts, my recent journey with simplicity and minimalism has...
by drfoley | Sep 18, 2015 | balancing blood sugar naturally, Functional Medicine, hormones, News, women's health
Do you struggle with your weight, fatigue or insomnia? Do you have food cravings, or are you hungry all the time? These are just a few symptoms of unstable blood sugar, which can lead to pre-diabetes and then diabetes. My wish for you is to have vibrant health, and to...
by drfoley | Sep 15, 2015 | Functional Medicine, hormones, Inflammation, women's health
“Inflammation” is the new buzzword in the health care world, as it is being mentioned more and more. Have you ever sprained your ankle, and it became swollen and hot, and then bruised? That is a very obvious inflammatory response, and that is exactly what your body is...